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STUREC(c) by the Menus

STUREC(c) is arranged around Menus. A menu is simply a listing of options. An option may lead to another menu or directly to the operation to be performed.  Here is the familiar STUREC(c) Main Menu.

The eight primary menu options represent logical groupings of functionality. Read the options literally.

    1. Student Enrollment Data gives you access to individual student records. This is where you input all information regarding an individual student.

    2. Attendance Functions. Everything to do with attendance on a class-wise basis.

    3. Grade Related Functions. Everything to do with grades and class progress on a class-wise basis.

    4. General Enrollment Reports. A variety of reports with multiple selection criteria on your total student population.

    5. General System Functions. Options to provide you with access to system-wide functions or reports.

    6. Miscellaneous Functions. Options that don't fit neatly into other broad categories. Assessment related, exits and grads.

    7. STUREC System Utilities. Options and functions needed to manage the STUREC(c) software and Periodic Reports.

    8. FTEREC System Menu. Everything you need to manage and report the FTE process.